Wordless Wednesday – Sadie and a quarry full of yellow cowslips


Sadie in the local dis-used chalk quarry inspecting the (coughs) flowers: currently cowslips, but soon it will be packed with wild twayblade orchids

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About Frogend_dweller

Living in the damp middle of nowhere
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11 Responses to Wordless Wednesday – Sadie and a quarry full of yellow cowslips

  1. Eliza Waters says:

    Aw, sweet Sadie photobomb! I’ve been slowly trying to build up my Primula collection, and must say that cowslips have been very prolific. 🙂

  2. Chloris says:

    The cowslips have been fabulous this year. How wonderful having orchids to look forward to. They seem to like chalk.

    • We are so lucky to have a local place to visit to see them. I hope that they will be completely unaffected by the proposed East-West rail link (if that goes ahead), but the quarry is dreadfully close to their currently preferred route.

  3. shoreacres says:

    I never would have realized cowslips had escaped Wordsworth and the Lake Poets were it not for the various postings this year. Despite all the references in literature, I somehow never quite believed they were a real flower!

  4. Cathy says:

    How lovely to see a whole field full of them!

    • Yes, they are prolific this year, but strangely I haven’t noticed them on the road verges, where they normally thrive. (Might be because I haven’t been travelling about as much, of course!)

  5. susurrus says:

    Gosh – these are lovely! How tiny they are, unless you have a giant dog. It is good to see them spread out like that. Ours are fewer and tend to be in clumps.

    • You are right. They are tiny compared to the ones on the local road verges. I think that is mostly to do with the free draining chalk environment. I’ve no idea about the oddly spaced and homogeneous distribution of plants, except to say that the quarry surface was pretty disturbed over large tracts this year, as though an animal (badgers?) was digging for grubs. Good observations!

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